Monday, June 4, 2007

Low-Impact Consumption Month

Hi Guys,

So in keeping with the spirit of "pretending to be better people" via our general consumption practices, I'm fwing to all of you a list of "low-impact consumption" guidelines as specified through an activist/meditation group in Soho I'm a part of called The Interdependence Project. ( July is the official month we're going to start putting in place these instructions, though if you're intimidated by the idea of acclimating yourself into a different routine, it's been suggested that you observe them perhaps a week or so beforehand. The guidelines, at least as I see them, are relatively straightforward and noninvasive, though it'll be interesting to experiment and which prove harder to keep than the others. If you're interested in coming to the meetings, they're typically held on Mondays and Wednesdays at The Lila Center between the Bowery and Houston street. It's a spectacular, kind and rather brilliant group of people. And if you need evidence of this, then search for the podcasts under "The Interdependence Project". (I think I ramble on in one of them about Sesame Street and the Laws of Aggression... like everything that is said in these meetings, context is EVERYthing) It's also become a greater part my personal scheme to bring back Mondays as the new Sunday.

For the guidelines, scroll down after the heading "Consumption Update, Art Groups, etc."

Love & Other Inconviniences,



Hey Everyone,

Our meeting notes and basic guidelines for the Low-Impact Consumption Month of July have been posted on the discussion board at:

It also might be enlightening to take the personal ecological footprint quiz. My own results shocked me when I found out that if everyone lived the way I do, we would need 2.4 Planet Earths to sustain us in the long run. I always thought I lived pretty environmentally - urban, small apartment, mass-transit, vegetarian - but clearly I still have a lot of work to do! If you would like to see how a few other folks did on the quiz and post your results, visit:

Dorothy and Ben have been hard at work putting together a large body of information resources on how to lower our consumption impact that will be posted on before July begins.

Again, we are really hoping for a broad participation in July, even if you only practice a few elements of the guidelines.

Weekly Gatherings:

We have two great groups going strong. Please join us Monday or Wednesday if you don't already. Monday's June 4 topic is "Free Speech, Kind Speech, Right Speech." Wednesday's June 6th topic is "Ignorance: Knowing What You Don't Know." Please let friends know if you think they might be interested. If you aren't in NYC, check out the podcast at

Details on weekly gatherings are at

ID Arts:

-Sunday, June 10 - Looking Glass Life Drawing and Meditation Group 1:30 - 5pm
-Sunday, June 17 - ID Arts Tour of Rubin Museum of Art 1pm
More info , including some drawings from the first Looking Glass group last month!!!

-Writers Group - we are starting a group for people who already have an ongoing writing practice and are also interested in meditation. Email if you are interested in participating.

-Theater Group - we are also starting a group for performers who share an interest in meditation. Email if you are interested in this group.

Sentient City: The Art of Urban Dharma: We are accepting submissions in all genres for issue #2 of Sentient City. The Deadline is July 15. We are also looking for design help with the magazine. Email with any questions or submissions.

Hope you are enjoying your start of summer. See you soon, at a weekly gathering or in cyberspace.


Ethan, Dorothy, Nomi, Juan Carlos, Kyle, Leah, Cassie and the crew
The InterDependence Project


Retreat in Vermont
A Meditation Retreat at Karme Choling
with Ethan Nichtern
Simplicity: Meditation For Real Life
July 27 - August 3, 2007
You don't have to attend the whole thing

With the flexible schedule of this retreat, you can come for one or two day or the whole week. This is absolutely the most beautiful time of year in Vermont, and a great meditation center very dear to my heart that you should check out. There will be extra optional study sessions for those who want to go deeper with their study/practice of the Buddhist teachings.

Follow this link for more details


Guidelines for July Low Impact Month

I pledge to lower my impact on the environment for one month.

Below I have listed the general guidelines that I came up with and also the Compacter rules. Any portion and combination of the "rules" can be followed. This can be as hardcore or low core as you want it to be. We also suggest that daily meditation practice, journaling the experience and frequent posts on the discussion board be a part of the month. Please start posting suggestions and resources so we can all help each other. There is a lot of information out there.

I pledge to lower my impact on the environment for one month.

This can be as hardcore or low core as you want it to be. We also suggest that daily meditation practice, journaling the experience and frequent posts on the discussion board be a part of the month.

Suggested Guidelines for July Month of Low Impact

1. Limiting Waste

-plastic bags

-coffee cups


-energy, lights, air conditioning, cell phone charging, computers

2. Travel

-public transportation, ride share

-walking, biking

-planning ahead to make less trips in the car (if you have one)

3. Food

-buy local

-no bottles water

-try to eat less meat

4. Other

-limiting general purchasing and consumption of new products

-trying to use second hand stores, library, Craig's list, , downloading music and movies…

5. Personal

-find something personal that you would like to add to your month.

Compacter Guidelines

The aim of the Compacters is:

1. To go beyond recycling in trying to counteract the negative global environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the U.S. consumer culture, to resist global corporatism, and to support local businesses, farms, etc. – a step, we hope, inherits the revolutionary impulse of the Mayflower Compact

2. To reduce clutter and waste in our homes (as in trash Compact-er)

3. To simplify our lives (as in Calm-pact)

*First principle- don't buy new products of any kind (from stores, web sites, etc.)

*Second principle- borrow or buy used

*a few exceptions- using the "fair and reasonable person" standard –i.e., you'll know in your heart when you're rationalizing a violation:

-food, drink, and necessary medicine (no elective treatments like Viagra or Botox)

-necessary cleaning products, but not equipment (don't go out and buy the Dyson Animal, for example)

-socks and underwear (utilitarian- non-couture or ornamental)

-pajamas for the children

*Utilitarian services allowed (plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, veterinarians, dog/house-sitters, fire/paramedics, dry cleaners, house cleaners, etc.) Support local and encourage used parts (rebuilt transmission, salvaged headlight unit, etc.)

*Recreational services (massage, etc.) and local artisanal items – Good sources for gifts, but should not be over-indulged in for personal gratification

*Charitable contributions (Seva, Heifer, and the like) – an even better source for gifts

*Plants and cut flowers- whenever possible cultivate from free cuttings or seeds. Ok in extreme moderation (yo, incoming oxy) when purchased from local businesses (i.e. not the Target Garden Shop)- and again, within reason

*Art supplies – First line of attack: SCRAP. When absolutely necessary (for the professionals and talented amateurs in the group), from local businesses

*Magazines, newspapers, Netflix- renewals only, no new subscriptions. Even better to consume online

*Video rentals and downloadable music files (non-material) – freely shared and legal, please

-Nomi Dale

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