There’s a tendency with most generations to wistfully idealize the decade in which they grew up and reference them with artifacts, then adapt them into our sense how things were, even if we missed out on them the first time. This is how I feel about My So Called Life, in spite of being in every way a child of the 90’s... though let’s face it: I was, at most 10 at the end of the grunge era, which left nowhere for my lumberjack angst, and probably explains why I force myself to listen to Crowded House when questioning my own integrity. I think that’s must be why we always find ourselves returning to coming-of-age-themes in the first place. They always provide us amplified expressions of the inner gaucheries and volatilities that we never REALLY got over, and never really will ever go away.
So now that I finished with the entire 5-disc series off of Netflix, I’ve been arguing with my friend Jeremy about something I think needs to be erased from the zeitgeist. I contend that JORDAN CATALANO DOES NOT DESERVE ICONIC BEEFCAKE DOMINANCE OVER THE MID-NINETIES. This is not because I don’t find Jared Leto attractive (although he looks eerily like my third ex, thereby evoking indifference), but because Jordan Catalano easily made for the most annoying, pacifist love interest in the history of television... the part of it I’ve seen, anyway. Everything from his watery, dumb gaze to his dithering makeout sessions under the stairwell with Angela. There is nothing James Dean about him, which come to think of it, might sort of be the point. May expand on this later, if I don’t completely manage to make myself fall asleep when I start...
In brief, life is busy. I’m the dramaturge for Does Anyone Know Sarah Paisner?, written by the one and only Jenny Lane, and also scored music to the trailer which can be seen here:
Outside of work, I’m currently developing a rather large project which is too fragile to be discussed. Training for the 2008 marathon. Saving up for a possible trip to Tokyo to be taken in March or Mid-April. Lining up gigs. Trying to find room in my life to start dating again without officially becoming “someone who dates”. Saw a woman get stabbed on the Q train last week. Oh, and that might be perfect note to end on...
It’s snowing in Park Slope.
Love & Other Animals Aboard the Arc...